I am acting CTO and lead developer of the Stude music production system, which creates a virtual online recording studio.
This system has already been used to produce several European chart-topping tracks.
As a small development team, we built this service from the ground up in cooperation with some of the leading experts on TemporoMandibular joint Dysfunction.
For premium studios who want to control their own branding and customer relationships. This is my own Software-as-a-Service product. It is currently serving 4 studios, with more coming later in 2024.
I made the official Arduino Bluetooth notifications handler for the ESP32 chipset. Check it out on GitHub.
- Based in Berlin, working remotely worldwide.
- Software from concept to release.
- Proficient in 13+ languages and their ecosystems: apps, full-stack services, or physical devices.
- Graphics, multimedia, AI, and creative projects are my specialty.
- Englisch ist meine Muttersprache, aber ich arbeite gerne auf Deutsch (Niveau B2).
Once I can pay my bills, I have time for working on more community projects. If you like my free apps or libraries enough that you would buy me a drink if you met me, contributions are much appreciated! I also have PayPal.